leng bu's other eden

what does the year have in store for more?

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

25 days and counting

25 days of deprivation. probably one of the longest record to date. bz bz bz... = s where's mt emily... pontini... pratas, brain-dead silences and senseless chatters... where where where...

i am still lo-bo-ing, days are spent running/ swimming... reading, watching tv...attending interviews. a sampling of some questions i really can't figure out..

- what makes u think u can contribute to this role?
(i sent in my cv thinking i can do the job and you must think i can too then ask me for interview rite?)
- u have been working in non-retail env what makes you think u can carry out this role?
(if u doubt so much... ask me for interview for what? and really comms is comms la!)
- how would your co-workers describe you?
(ask them lor? ;))
- what are your weaknesses?
(pleasssseeeee..... we all think of ourselves as weakness-less beings... we are ever-mighty!)

interviews are so fake... as a matter of principal, i do not lie nor make myself sound super big nor exaggerate... silly mayb, i am sure it is not to my advantage but i really i don't want to be one of those fak-os that boast and boast and smoke and smoke...i really try to be honest and humble. i think these 2 are very impt at my stage of work life... when im neither here nor there. well but really sometimes i have answers to questions that are ready to roll off my tongue but cant... we don't wana insult anyone you know. then i have to remind myself humility humility...and really there are no stupid questions... hee hee... really arhhh?

happy birthday to me... =) went by in a flash.. i hereby declare myself forever 28!


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